Custom Laser Beams

VISRAD supports adding custom laser beams to a system. With this feature, users can add laser beams with arbitrary port locations and f-numbers.

Custom Laser Beams have the same properties as fixed laser beams, but have the added feature that the following can be adjusted:

Custom beams can be added to an existing laser system (e.g., NIF or OMEGA), or to a laser system containing exclusively Custom Laser Beams.

Custom beam parameters are saved in VISRAD workspaces.

Custom beams can be imported or exported to files. This facilitates the re-use of custom beams set up for different VISRAD calculations. To do this, select the File | Import Custom Laser Beams or File | Export Custom Laser Beams menu items.

To add a custom beam, do one of the following:

When Add Custom Beam is selected, a window is presented in which the beam name, color, port position, and f-number are entered. (Note that these properties can be adjusted later in the Properties tab of the Laser Beam Parameters Dialog.)


Custom beams are displayed in the Laser Beams List on the left side of the VISRAD main window. They can be distinguished from fixed laser beams by the diamond symbol located to the left of their name (fixed laser beams have a square symbol). As in the case of fixed beams, the symbol fill/color indicate the beam status:

Custom Laser Beams can be deleted, duplicated, and renamed. They can also be created by duplicating a fixed laser beam. (Only beams with BLUE cones are created; RED and GREEN cones are not duplicated from NIF beams.)

There are also instances where Custom Laser Beams are utilized when adding beams for specific laser beam configurations. For more information on this, see:




Copyright © 2000-2024 Prism Computational Sciences, Inc. VISRAD 19.3.0